Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
The Infectious Myth - Fluoridation with Paul Connett - 10/14/14
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Paul Connett has worked harder and longer than anyone to oppose water fluoridation from a scientific perspective. He is a retired chemistry professor, and head of the Fluoride Action Network.
Paul and David talk about the history of water fluoridation, how it helped change the public perception of this common industrial waste product, and also how water consumers (that’s everyone) have successfully fought back against the practice. It is now found mainly in North America and Ireland, but is receding in most places. Recently it was banned in Israel and there are ongoing lobbying or legal actions in many remaining cities.
This episode discusses what are the major negative health effects of fluoride, especially the devastating impact on bones and joints, how children with levels of fluoride not much higher than the amount deliberately added to water, have lower IQs. And also the stupidity of carefully measuring the quantity of fluoride added to water, knowing that the amount of water consumed per person varies dramatically, especially when measured relative to body weight.
You can find more about fluoride at the Fluoride Action Network’s website: http://fluoridealert.org
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
The Infectious Myth - Kristine Mattis on Cancer Causes - 10/07/14
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Kristine Mattis is a PhD scientist who is concerned that the debate on cancer focuses on genes that might increase susceptibility rather than carcinogenic chemicals and radiation that are known to cause cancer. It’s not that she believes that genes are irrelevant, she doesn’t believe they are a cause, and that the presence or absence of carcinogens is more important. People with genes might want to take actions to increase susceptibility, but then we are all susceptible, so that goes for all of us.
There are personal actions that can be taken, such as eating organic and avoiding known carcinogens, but larger societal changes are needed, especially in the United States where industrial and economic interests are given much higher priority than the overall health of “We, The People”. It is perhaps old-fashioned to ask politicians to represent us, but this is a matter of life and death.
David was motivated to interview Kristine by this article in Counter Punch: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/09/17/time-to-talk-frankly-about-cancer/
I am sure you will enjoy this discussion and hopefully it will get you thinking differently about cancer as well.
For more useful information on preventing cancer, personally or societally, see the following links suggested by Kristine:
Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
The Infectious Myth - Scott Austin, Back to the Early Days of AIDS - 09/23/14
Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
Tuesday Sep 23, 2014
AIDS hit the entertainment industry hard in the 1980s and early 1990s, and motivated starts like Elton John and Elizabeth Taylor to start raising money for new drugs, starting with AZT in 1987. Scott Austin was a dancer back then, and has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. Unlike many male dancers he was heterosexual.
This meant that he was both an insider, to a relatively small, tightly knit community, and an outsider. He observed gay friends dying, but also observed that the promised/threatened epidemic among heterosexuals was not occurring, despite the many heterosexual relationships involving his female dancer colleagues.
Scott’s discussion with David is a fascinating look back at the theatrical origins of this massive health fiasco, that is still with us today, and still often presented through a theatrical, dramatic lense.
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
In Episode 29 David Crowe talks with Bobby Russell, falsely diagnosed with HIV infection in 2004. It was not until 2013 that Bobby discovered what he had been searching for, that his hospital (University of Kentucky Medical Center) had performed a Western Blot confirmatory test back then – and it had come back negative.
He had been on toxic AIDS drugs for almost a decade now, suffering major side effects, believing that he would die without the drugs. But now he knew for sure that they had just been destroying his life and his health. With this test result in his hands he launched a lawsuit but recently it was dismissed by the judge on the basis that he had waited too long.
It is true that he had suspicions about his original Western Blot test before 2013, but without the test result in his hands he obviously could not launch a lawsuit.
You can help Bobby fund an appeal by going to: http://www.gofundme.com/axwthk
You can listen to an earlier discussion with Bobby on the How Positive Are You podcast series at http://www.howpositiveareyou.com/2014/01/16/hpay076-bobbyrussell/, and a discussion with his lawyer at, http://www.howpositiveareyou.com/2013/10/31/hpay071-attorney-jonathan-dailey/
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
The Infectious Myth - 09/09/14
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
In Episode 28 David talks about Ebola and uses the SARS epidemic of more than a decade ago as a cautionary tale. He notes that SARS also initiated a worldwide panic based on scanty evidence, that the fear launched unproven and aggressive treatments, and there is evidence that the high death rate was due to the overreaction of medical authorities and not the disease.
David reads from his SARS chapter in the book that he is writing, “The Infectious Myth” and draws parallels with the ongoing story of Ebola. SARS, at the end, was blamed for killing well under 1,000 people, yet caused widespread panic in East Asia and Canada (especially Toronto), and disappeared virtually without a trace within one year of its supposed origin in November 2002.
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
The Infectious Myth - The CDC Vaccine Scandal with Dr. Toni Bark - 09/02/14
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
Tuesday Sep 02, 2014
A vaccine scandal erupted recently at the CDC and David talks with Dr. Toni Bark to understand it. It has been known for some time that a whistleblower within the CDC was leaking data about the suppression of the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism to PhD chemist Brian Hooker. But recently the whistleblower was revealed to be Brian Thompson who released a statement through his personal lawyers, saying, in part, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
This means that the claims that the CDC is unaware of any connection between MMR and autism is false. Not only that it means that the CDC, a government agency that Americans should be able to trust, has been lying to its own citizens, to maintain the illusion that all vaccines are safe and without any significant risk of side effects.
Dr. Bark talks about her journey from mainstream MD chastising parents who didn’t vaccine, to starting to learn about side effects of vaccines, to questioning most vaccines. She talks about the risks of mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in vaccines, as well as the limited efficacy of vaccine immunity versus natural immunity.
You can find out more about Dr. Bark and her work at: http://www.disease-reversal.com
She has a documentary coming out soon, called “Bought”, which covers the issues of vaccinations, GMO and big pharma in general, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bought-the-movie-phase-ii
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Episode 26 looks at the issue of infection control in dentistry. You might think that this is a dry issue of interest only to dentists, it actually provides us with a lot of information about the low risk of infection by the supposed hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV even when there is plenty of blood to provide a convenient route. Dr. John Hardie discusses several cases of dentists and other medical professionals who had substandard infection control and yet did not leave a trail of infected patients behind them.
David and John spend a lot of time talking about the Dr. Acer case from the late 1980s, a dentist who the CDC tried hard to paint as the first (and so far only) dentist to ever transmit HIV to a number of patients. Even though Acer was HIV-positive, the worst possible situation, nobody could ever figure out how he might have transmitted HIV, and there was considerable evidence that his HIV-positive patients got their antibodies in some other way. His most famous patient was Kimberley Bergalis, a young woman whose emaciated figure testifying to congress became one of the most famous images of the early AIDS panic. But she was also taking high doses of the drug AZT, which can produce those very symptoms.
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Infectious Myth - Kill bees, kill us - 08/12/14
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Episode 25 is not talking about killer bees, but about bee killers, the neo-nicotinoid systemic pesticides that most knowledgeable people outside the chemical manufacturers are blaming for colony collapse disorder.
David’s guest is Dave Hackenberg, who owns a company that trucks large numers of honeybee colonies around the United States to pollinate crops, when and where they are needed. They talk about the importance of bees to many crops in the United States that will not produce seed without a pollinator, and how the concept of a systemic pesticide fills the entire plant with poison, including the nectar and pollen that feed the bee.
Dave Hackenberg got serious about this problem when he lost 80% of his hives in the 2006 season, and his research led him to believe that neonicotinoids were the cause. Since then he has lobbied tirelessly, and awareness of this problem is certainly growing, thanks to him, other bee-keepers, environmentalists, and a few researchers who are brave enough to withstand attacks from the chemical companies.
Politics is a big problem, and with industrial agriculture lobbyists funding so many politicians, getting political action is difficult. Even supposedly neutral agencies like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and USDA (US Department of Agriculture) appear to be acting mostly in the interests of the chemical and seed companies. There are several lawsuits against the EPA and other government organizations for rushed and inadequate approval of pesticides.
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Infectious Myth - Aspartame with Woodrow Monte - 08/05/14
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
Tuesday Aug 05, 2014
In Episode 24 David talks with Woodrow Monte, a retired PhD food scientist, with 25 years experience teaching and researching at Arizona State University. Since the 1980s Woodrow has been very concerned about the massive quantity of Aspartame in our food supply, particularly in diet sodas.
Each molecule of aspartame breaks down quickly in the body to produce a methanol molecule. If there is no ethanol (drinking alcohol) in our body, the body will convert it to formaldehyde, which is highly reactive, and causes an inflammatory reaction. He believes that it is this that causes the artery clogging that produces heart disease, and that causes the damage to veins in the brain that characterizes alzheimers and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He also believes that methanol is responsible for many birth defects, and also some types of cancer.
Although methanol is also found in canned fruits and vegetables, and particularly in canned juices, and is also absorbed from inhaling cigarette smoke or wood smoke, the vast majority of methanol consumed today is from aspartame.
Methanol is highly toxic to humans. From one teaspoon to one tablespoon will kill a person, depending on their size, although it takes a long time for the methanol to be converted to formaldehyde and start the damage in the body. Ironically, the only real antidote to methanol is ethanol, which blocks the conversion to formaldehyde, which may explain why people who consume 1-2 drinks of alcohol a day are healthier than both teetotallers and over-drinkers.
People can find more about this issue on Dr. Monte’s website, http://whilesciencesleeps.com, including a freely available chapter on birth defects available in text or audio book format.
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Infectious Myth - The Trauma Cult, with Celia Farber - 07/29/14
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
In Episode 23 David interviews pioneering and heretical AIDS journalist Celia Farber about the “Trauma Cult” and “Totalitarian Science”. She compares the HIV=AIDS dogma, which she questioned in articles dating back to the late 1980s, to a totalitarian cult. In this cult HIV is not a positive God, who will bring enlightenment if you rigidly adhere to the cult leader’s dictates, but HIV is a Satan who you can never eliminate and, even if you did, you would never achieve the life and health you had before you started your battle.
An interesting question that David poses to Celia, who is anti-communist through her own experiences growing up in Sweden, as well as from her father, well known right-wing radio host Barry Farber, is how such a totalitarian cult emerged from the country that has long claimed to be the leader of the free world, the United States.
The conversation is made more scintilating because of the different outlooks that David and Celia on life and on the world.
If you like what you heard listen to Celia Farber's show "Conversations", also on PRN, at Thursday 8pm ET. Her website is: http://truthbarrier.com