Tuesday May 01, 2018
The Infectious Myth - Silencing a Shaken Baby Syndrome Heretic - 05.01.18
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
As one of few pediatric neuropathologists in the UK, nobody should be better qualified to testify in trials where Shaken Baby Syndrome is alleged than Waney Squier. And as long as she was testifying for the prosecution, the police, prosecutors and judges were all happy. But when she stopped thinking, “all my colleagues believe it, so it must be true”, and investigated the syndrome, she concluded that the triad of symptoms used to diagnose SBS was a fraud. She started testifying for the defence and was mercilessly attacked, to the point that her medical license was briefly withdrawn and, even after the UK GMC granted her the right to practice again, she was forbidden to testify. Apparently, the presence of effective expert witnesses for the defence made judges uncomfortable, because now the decision was on them. Episode 180 is a fascinating and powerful discussion.