Thursday Mar 20, 2014
The Infectious Myth - Official Stories - 03/18/14
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
In episode 4 David Crowe interviews Liam Scheff, author of the 2012 book, "Official Stories: Counter-Arguments for a Culture in Need" which Liam describes as "Official stories existing to protect officials". Liam is a critic of many myths of modern society, seeing science as a modern religion that needs to promote myths with the fervor of religions. Liam also broke the story of the "Incarnation Children's Center" orphanage in New York City that allegedly used poor children as guinea pigs in highly profitable pharmaceutical AIDS drug trials.
David and Liam have a conversation that ranges from the incomprehensibly enormous time and space of the universe down to questions of the incomprehensible smallness of viruses.
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